
5am Morning Routine: Simple & Productive

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I have stuck with a 5am morning routine for over 7 years and I wouldn’t change it for the world!! With a little grit and determination, I single-handedly turned myself from a morning-hater to a bonafide MORNING PERSON…and you can, too!

Pinterest Pin for 5am morning routine with a woman drinking coffee.

If you look at the daily routines of uber-successful people, SO MANY of them are early risers. Check out these examples:

  • Tim Cook, Apple CEO: Wakes up at 3:45am
  • David Cush, Virgin Atlantic CEO: Wakes up at 4:15am
  • Howard Schultz, Starbucks CEO: He’s IN the office at 6am (Starbucks, anyone?)

My early rising routine started with the book, The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. While I don’t follow every single one of his principles, I can definitely credit him for pushing me to come up with my own perfect morning routine!

Someone on a bed on a laptop with coffee.

Why have a 5am morning routine?

For me, there are three main reasons to wake up early:

1. “ME” Time

When I started this routine, I had 3 school-aged kiddos and alone time was almost non-existent!! A 5am wake-up time truly gave me just enough time (quiet time!) to focus on JUST ME…something so many parents don’t get enough of!

2. Exercise

Back in the day, I was a Beachbody coach and the only time I found I could get my home workouts in was during this precious hour!

I used to tell people I coached, “Do your workout early before your brain knows what it’s doing and talks you out of it!”

I have found time and time again if I don’t in my morning workout, I find every excuse in the book NOT to work out! So I get ‘er done and don’t have to worry about it for the rest of my day.

Also, you’ll probably find, that when you get this burst of endorphins in the early morning hours, your energy levels will increase throughout the rest of the day.

3. Productivity

Waking up at 5am and getting a jump start on the day while the rest of the world sleeps just makes for an overall productive day. Your mind is clear, and you’ll find stress levels are reduced and your motivation increased –both will lead to a more productive day.

A cup of tea with toast and a flower on a tray.

List of things to do to start your 5am routine

Only you can design your own morning routine but here are seven things you can do with your “extra time” in the morning. Pick and choose which ones work for you. This might be a process of trial and error–don’t give up!

1. Exercise

This one is HUGE and always the first thing I do as part of my 5am routine. For me, a healthy morning routine starts with at least 20-30 minutes of exercise.

I have done Beachbody workouts, YouTube Videos, the Peleton App, and a morning run or walk. Staying close to home (vs. driving to a class or the gym) is best to make the most of your precious hour!

Pro Tip: Have your workout clothes ready to go the night before OR wear something to bed you can work out in. That way you can literally roll out of bed and start your workout!

2. Make a to-do list

I like doing this before I go to bed, but the morning works, too! Making a to-do list, totally gives you control of your day! I LOVE IT!

3. Read

I hear so many people say they don’t have time to read, and it’s true! We’re all so busy! So use this extra time to pick up a book you truly love –whether it’s fiction, a magazine, or the Bible! This quiet time might be the only time you can squeeze in reading– even if it’s only for 10-15 minutes.

4. Meditate/Pray/Silence

Hal Elrod recommends silence as part of his Miracle Morning. If you have a full-time job or have kids, moments of silence are probably few and far between! Use this special time to just relax and appreciate the silence. A few minutes of meditation can also work wonders to set you up for a great day with a clear mind.

Someone reading a book on a bed.

5. Writing/Journaling

If this is your thing, this is the best time to do it! Some people do their best creative work in the morning or when it’s silent.

6. Get a jump start

Apple CEO Tim Cook wakes up at 3:45am to get a jump start on his email inbox. That might be a bit extreme, but honestly, the guy probably gets more emails in a day than we get in a year!

But using this early morning time to get a little bit of “grunt work” done allows you to jump into your REAL work once your day officially starts.

7. Enjoy a warm beverage and catch up on news

Ok, all of the “morning routine” books poo-poo this idea because you are supposed to be doing something MAGICAL at 5am! But for me, the point of this hour is for it to be about YOU and doing things that are good for YOU and that you WANT to do!

So after your workout, if you want to sip water, coffee, or a hot tea and scroll the news or social media–go for it! Whatever will relax you and set you up for a good day!

This SHOULD take the place of scrolling mindlessly during work hours — that would be the ultimate goal if you really want to have a productive day!

Do’s and don’ts of a successful 5am morning routine

  • DO start slowly: Waking up at 5am can be a huge change so start by waking up 15-30 minutes earlier than the day before, and work your way up to 5am.
  • DO make sure you listen to your body and get enough sleep. This might mean going to bed a bit earlier.
  • DO put your alarm clock out of reach so you’re forced to get out of bed and not hit the snooze button!
  • DO give yourself grace: A new habit can take up to a month to “stick” so stick with it! It won’t be easy at first!
  • DON’T give up just because you feel tired the first few days. It takes a while for your body to adjust.
  • DON’T think you have to follow someone else’s routine. This is all about YOU so do what works for YOU!

Download the morning routine habit tracker!

I hope this gives you the confidence to try a 5am morning routine! If you try it (or currently do it), comment below and share your routine! I’d love to hear what’s working for you!

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