Free Blogging Resources!

Blogging resources…who doesn’t LOVE some FREE STUFF?!! I know new bloggers who aren’t making money yet especially appreciate it, but even seasoned pros love to learn about free resources to help them on their blogging journey.

These content-packed hour-long episodes focus a lot on keyword research and SEO (search engine optimization) but also cover important topics like writing blog posts, Pinterest, affiliate marketing, backlinks and SO MUCH MORE!


Top Hat Rank Webinars


This site is a great place to check which keywords your site is ranking for and also to see if you have any Google Discover traffic from Google Web Stories. It will also give you a picture of your site’s overall health and if you’re passing Core Web Vitals.

Google Site Speed Check


rI could not live without Canva!!! I use it for everything from making Pinterest pins to creating freebies and opt-ins for my email list. The free plan is awesome, but you can upgrade to the paid plan and get access to TONS of great stock photos and designs



One of the first plugins you should download! Basically, Yoast helps your site perform better with search engines by giving you insights into how best to optimize your content. It’s a must! I’ve only used the free version.

Yoast SEO


This free tool can help you save so much time (and brain power) when blogging! I never write my posts with ChatGPT but I use it for things like: 1) Writing introductions to blog posts, 2) Writing sales copy (gives me ideas), and 3) Getting related keyword ideas.

Chat GPT

Swipe up to read all 28 FREE blogging resources!